UR Covered is the new home for Opinion Driver, the Tribe Village Car Insurance Feedback Group, and the Tribe Village Home Insurance Feedback Group.
It has been created to offer more opportunities for members to earn rewards for taking part in insurance-based surveys and research, and to be entered into our regular prize draws, with more prizes on offer, more often.
UR Covered members are a select group of people who submit details of their car and/or home insurance policies, and these are used to generate insurance quotes from price comparison sites. The quotes are used for pricing analysis purposes by our project partner Pearson Ham* and fed back to members. The quotes are not used to try to sell car insurance to members.
As a member we will invite you to complete either our Car Insurance Survey, Home Insurance Survey, or both.
You will be offered online gift vouchers whenever you take part in one of these insurance surveys. The reward on offer will be communicated to you in the invitation.
As well as gift vouchers for taking part in our insurance surveys, we also have regular prize draws for all UR Covered members.
Members completing the insurance surveys will also receive feedback on the best insurance prices available based on the information they submitted.
Pearson Ham* work with the UK’s biggest price comparison sites to find the best prices for car and home insurance. Their agreements with Compare the Market, Confused.com, Go Compare and Money Supermarket, allow them to access prices from a large panel of insurance providers. Pearson Ham use the data to analyse price changes in the market to help their clients with pricing strategies. Pearson Ham also send us the best insurance prices generated for UR Covered members, for feedback to the members.
Each month we send the most competitive car insurance prices to UR Covered members. These can then be used as a guide to best prices when renewing your car and/or home insurance policy. Also, we may occasionally contact members to take part in surveys and other research about their car and/or home insurance. The tasks and rewards for taking part are communicated at the time of invitation.
Member’s insurance data is used for pricing analysis purposes only. We will not try to sell insurance to members, and members cannot link directly to insurance companies from the feedback received. The insurance quotes given are only indications of what the best deals are; we cannot guarantee they will be available for purchase.
Insurance prices are constantly changing – the car or home insurance quote you get today is likely to be different to the one you get tomorrow. We have created UR Covered and we recruit UK residents to tell us about themselves and their homes and cars, so we can track when, why and how prices change.
The information collected from UR Covered members, such as name, gender, date of birth and other information about car ownership, home ownership, car insurance policy and home insurance policy, is used by our partner, Pearson Ham*, to obtain car and home insurance quotes from insurance price comparison sites.
Other personal information collected in the insurance surveys includes, home address, car registration number, type of car, value of car and contents, value of home, car security and home security. This information is collected to supply members with representative car and home insurance quotes.
In processing data to provide members with insurance quotes, the member’s credit score will be checked as this is a factor in the pricing of car and home insurance. The credit score will not be affected by the check.
Additionally, we may, from time to time, modify the information held for the purpose of obtaining car and/or home insurance quotes to test the effect on the insurance price of varying certain information. The information we change will not include sensitive personal information such as name, address and/or date of birth. We’ll only process personal information where we have legal grounds to do so. We may also use member information to obtain quotes for pet and travel insurance.
All data collected for UR Covered and for all other research activities is stored on servers located in the UK and European Economic Area (EEA).
Membership of UR Covered is voluntary, and members can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link in email communications, or emailing support@urcovered.co.uk
More information is available in the UR Covered Privacy Policy.
UR Covered is managed by Syno International (UK) Limited on behalf of Pearson Ham Consulting Ltd.
Syno International (UK) Limited is a research technology company registered in England and Wales with company no: 11839775. Find out more about Syno International (UK) here: www.synoint.com